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Excalidraw Sheets for Tricube Tactics (+PDF) December 12, 2024 TTRPG & Resources Pretty simple post today: I whipped up some Tricube Tactics character sheets in Excalidraw, exported them, then made form-fillable PDFs. For those Rambling On: Tricube Tactics December 3, 2024 TTRPG & Rambling Some times, rules-lite RPGs will put emphasis on role-playing but fail to cater to those who want to play games. I personally enjoy the “G in RPG” d100 Games You Need to Check Out December 1, 2024 TTRPG & Resources No, this isn’t a dice table of a hundred games, sorry. Instead it’s just four freely available ones that I think are, criminally, flying under Echoed Invocations: Deviations March 25, 2024 TTRPG & Sigil & Shadow & Echoed Invocations After I had published “Issue 0” of Echoed Invocations, I decided my next issue was going to be themed Deviations, as it was going to focus on Invoked with Sigil & Shadow October 5, 2023 TTRPG & Sigil & Shadow Although Sigil & Shadow is not released as open gaming content, this post is an invitation to anyone who wants to create works compatible with my Deviations - On Skills and Background Experience September 13, 2023 TTRPG & Sigil & Shadow & Echoed Invocations Some have expressed that in Sigil & Shadow, the -20% penalty to Untrained skills comes off as punishing for starting characters, especially when Charm City — a Sigil & Shadow AP August 11, 2023 TTRPG & Sigil & Shadow & 2000 Tales Just wanted to take a moment to point out the cool peeps at 2000 Tales have been running a weekly Sigil & Shadow game live on YouTube & Twitch! Sigil & Shadow: Randomized Characters May 4, 2023 TTRPG & Sigil & Shadow & Echoed Invocations This is a very rough draft of a variant character creation system for Sigil & Shadow. While S&S core rules are already a hybrid of player choice and Sigil & Shadow: Dark Fantasy Backgrounds May 4, 2023 TTRPG & Sigil & Shadow & Echoed Invocations Another experimental draft! Modern urban fantasy and occult horror is great, but I’ve also dreamt of using Sigil & Shadow to run gothic, grim Echoed Invocations, Issue 0: Clarity January 12, 2023 TTRPG & Sigil & Shadow & Echoed Invocations Find it on itch.io!! Echoed Invocations is a new series of supplemental zines for Sigil & Shadow, providing expanded rules and content for my The Dim Waters of Houston TTRPG & Sigil & Shadow All artwork on this post was done with Midjourney AI UPDATE: This was written years ago, and my stance on AI art has reversed drastically. I New Myths on Old Streets TTRPG & Sigil & Shadow All artwork on this post was done with Midjourney AI UPDATE: My stance on AI art has changed drastically over the years. Know that I only used it Faction & Stature March 4, 2022 TTRPG & Sigil & Shadow & Echoed Invocations Header Art by Luis F. Sanz Sigil & Shadow strives to cover the tropes of urban fantasy and modern horror — hunting down monstrous threats, Invoking the Fanbase February 21, 2022 TTRPG & Sigil & Shadow Header Art by Luis F. Sanz First off, apologies for the delay on anything new regarding Sigil & Shadow. While I’ve been distracted trying to get my INTERMIXX — An RPG Mash-Up February 18, 2022 TTRPG & ChaosGrenade Games & Intermixx INTERMIXX is an RPG Mash-Up — a remix of cool ideas and styles to create a fun gaming experience all its own. This is a barebones, blank canvas DIY Mud & Blood: SIGIL & SHADOW Actual Play!’ November 1, 2021 TTRPG & Sigil & Shadow & Wythe I was honored to have the chance to run SIGIL & SHADOW for the Mud & Blood podcast’s Halloween Special! Just a fun note: this episode essentially Gonzo-Mutoids-Pocket October 16, 2021 TTRPG & ChaosGrenade Games FREE ON ITCH My love letter to bat-shit crazy, kitchen sink, post apocalyptic settings is now available as a tiny pocket RPG — this time powered by The Wythe Case, Part 4: A Shattered Nightmare September 25, 2021 TTRPG & Sigil & Shadow & Wythe The entity paralyzing Samantha pays no attention to Julia, continuing to attempt to suffocate her with a swarm of shadowy bugs that bleed out from The Wythe Case, Part 3: Dead End Friends September 25, 2021 TTRPG & Sigil & Shadow & Wythe Samantha couldn’t sleep the nights following her encounter at the Wythe Estate. Any time she closed her eyes, that wretched man-bug with the The Wythe Case, Part 2: Fight or Flight September 19, 2021 TTRPG & Sigil & Shadow & Wythe This narrative is a continuing example of gameplay for Sigil & Shadow, my role-playing game of Urban Fantasy & Occult Horror. We left Samantha Cane The Wythe Case, Part 1: Break In September 16, 2021 TTRPG & Sigil & Shadow & Wythe Samantha Cane exits her ride, tips the driver, and proceeds to walk down the wet street towards the Wythe estate. Myrtle and Benjamin Wythe, as the Julia Grave, Shadowed Occultist September 4, 2021 TTRPG & Sigil & Shadow & Wythe This is Part 2 of a series showing game play examples for Sigil & Shadow. You can read Part 1 here. Today we’re having a look at a sample Shadowed Seeking Samantha Cane August 21, 2021 TTRPG & Sigil & Shadow & Wythe This is the first part in a series of blogs that with the hopes of being walkthrough examples for Sigil & Shadow. Future posts will show sample SIGIL & SHADOW February 16, 2021 TTRPG & Sigil & Shadow All posts tagged Sigil & Shadow Echoed Invocations — The official supplemental zine The Wythe Case Ongoing story that doubles as game play Little Heroes, Big Adventures February 13, 2021 TTRPG This may come as a surprise, but while many know me for being into grim settings (cyberpunk, dystopian, horror etc) one of my favorite types of Rambling On: NEUROCITY August 12, 2020 TTRPG Gavriel Quiroga was really cool to send me a review copy of his game Neurocity,a dystopian nightmare RPG that has recently released following a Rambling On: NEON CITY OVERDRIVE May 19, 2020 TTRPG Neon City Overdrive is a new cyberpunk rpg put out by Nathan Russell/Peril Planet (creator of Freeform Unlimited), and is available in PDF for $8. Rambling On: TRICUBE TALES January 26, 2020 TTRPG Tricube Tales is by Richard Woolcock of Zadmar’s Games. There’s a lot I want to say about it, which is crazy because it’s also pretty lite and MAIN SEQUENCE: TRI-FOLD EDITION December 9, 2019 TTRPG & ChaosGrenade Games Download MAIN SEQUENCE: Tri-Fold Pamphlet Edition on Itch.io! MAIN SEQUENCE is a fast, “Rules-Necessary” science fiction RPG written by Matt Bryant SHROOM GOONS - A New Free Title! August 20, 2019 TTRPG & ChaosGrenade Games SHROOM GOONS is a “Spore-Core” Fantasy Trip for Weird People. A hack of Nate Treme’s Tunnel Goons , players take on the role of tiny mushroom folk FABRICATED VENTURERS — a Classless Hack for Vieja Escuela July 25, 2019 TTRPG I have written a classless, patchwork/piecemeal character hack for Vieja Escuela. Taking advantage of the format of VE: Pamphlet Edition, it’s VIEJA ESCUELA: Pamphlet Edition June 28, 2019 TTRPG I have taken the core rules of Vieja Escuela and repackaged it. As the name implies, this version is intended to be printed out and folded into AWESOME D.P.S. — A Free, Narrative-Driven Dice Pool System May 28, 2019 TTRPG & ChaosGrenade Games AWESOME D.P.S. (Dice Pool System) is a fast playing, narrative-driven dice pool RPG framework that is now live on itch.io! as a Pay-What-You-Want Rambling On: VIEJA ESCUELA May 25, 2019 TTRPG There’s a lot of cool minimalist and “OSR-Adjacent” D&D clones out there. Black Hack, Into the Odd, and Knave are a few of the titles many talk Drive·10 Toolkit: Expanding Tags April 25, 2019 TTRPG & ChaosGrenade Games & Drive10 Tags in Drive·10 make up all the cool traits, powers, skills and features a character can have. When I set out to design the framework, I decided Drive·10 Toolkit: Attributes & Vocations April 18, 2019 TTRPG & ChaosGrenade Games & Drive10 The Drive·10 was written to be as fast, compact, and complete as possible. I wanted the core to be as essential as can be, so that it would be easy 5-Point Conflict Map December 7, 2018 TTRPG This isn’t anything original — just a cool idea I had for a tool to map factional conflicts in an RPG. Specifically it came to mind thinking about Drive·10 Mockups: Dungeon Delvers August 6, 2018 TTRPG & ChaosGrenade Games & Drive10 Today I wanted to show some mock-ups for using the D·10 framework to run a high-action, mid-fantasy dungeon delving game. Let’s start with a few DRIVE·10 is Out Now! June 25, 2018 TTRPG & ChaosGrenade Games & Drive10 Drive·10 has been released on Itch.io! GET IT HERE Drive·10 is a fast, simple, traditional tabletop role-playing system with easy character creation The Plant Hack May 11, 2017 TTRPG The Mutant class in The Rad Hack is pretty flexible — you can easily be a mutant animal, plant, or some other strange humanoid. Still, I’ve had Rota Fortunae: A Simple Fantasy RPG Framework April 18, 2016 TTRPG & ChaosGrenade Games Rota Fortunae is a simple fantasy rpg framework driven by CarPG. We took the base rules and repackaged it as a complete, stand alone 16-page PDF