February 18, 2022
TTRPG & ChaosGrenade Games & Intermixx
INTERMIXX is an RPG Mash-Up — a remix of cool ideas and styles to create a fun gaming experience all its own. This is a barebones, blank canvas DIY
October 16, 2021
TTRPG & ChaosGrenade Games
FREE ON ITCH My love letter to bat-shit crazy, kitchen sink, post apocalyptic settings is now available as a tiny pocket RPG — this time powered by
December 9, 2019
TTRPG & ChaosGrenade Games
Download MAIN SEQUENCE: Tri-Fold Pamphlet Edition on! MAIN SEQUENCE is a fast, “Rules-Necessary” science fiction RPG written by Matt Bryant
SHROOM GOONS - A New Free Title!
August 20, 2019
TTRPG & ChaosGrenade Games
SHROOM GOONS is a “Spore-Core” Fantasy Trip for Weird People. A hack of Nate Treme’s Tunnel Goons , players take on the role of tiny mushroom folk
AWESOME D.P.S. — A Free, Narrative-Driven Dice Pool System
May 28, 2019
TTRPG & ChaosGrenade Games
AWESOME D.P.S. (Dice Pool System) is a fast playing, narrative-driven dice pool RPG framework that is now live on! as a Pay-What-You-Want
Drive·10 Toolkit: Expanding Tags
April 25, 2019
TTRPG & ChaosGrenade Games & Drive10
Tags in Drive·10 make up all the cool traits, powers, skills and features a character can have. When I set out to design the framework, I decided
Drive·10 Toolkit: Attributes & Vocations
April 18, 2019
TTRPG & ChaosGrenade Games & Drive10
The Drive·10 was written to be as fast, compact, and complete as possible. I wanted the core to be as essential as can be, so that it would be easy
Drive·10 Mockups: Dungeon Delvers
August 6, 2018
TTRPG & ChaosGrenade Games & Drive10
Today I wanted to show some mock-ups for using the D·10 framework to run a high-action, mid-fantasy dungeon delving game. Let’s start with a few
DRIVE·10 is Out Now!
June 25, 2018
TTRPG & ChaosGrenade Games & Drive10
Drive·10 has been released on! GET IT HERE Drive·10 is a fast, simple, traditional tabletop role-playing system with easy character creation
Rota Fortunae: A Simple Fantasy RPG Framework
April 18, 2016
TTRPG & ChaosGrenade Games
Rota Fortunae is a simple fantasy rpg framework driven by CarPG. We took the base rules and repackaged it as a complete, stand alone 16-page PDF