
DRIVE·10 is Out Now!

Drive·10 has been released on Itch.io! GET IT HERE

Drive·10 is a fast, simple, traditional tabletop role-playing system with easy character creation and streamlined mechanics. Designed for quick pick up and play — brainstorm a setting, make characters, and get to playing all in one evening. Ideal for one-shots, short campaigns, convention play and more.

  • Simple d10 Resolution Mechanic— roll the die, add your bonuses, try to score 10+ to succeed. Easy as that.
  • Streamlined Tags system gives you an easy framework to define the features of your character.
  • Rules Necessary / Quick & Dirty Design: Complete, compact and straight to the point, D·10 is a full rules set in a few pages. 
  • Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0;— take the rules, share them, make them your own.

If you want an idea what a party of characters built with these rules can look like, check out these Mockups of Dungeon Delvers using D·10

Up next The Plant Hack The Mutant class in The Rad Hack is pretty flexible — you can easily be a mutant animal, plant, or some other strange humanoid. Still, I’ve had Drive·10 Mockups: Dungeon Delvers
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