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The ChaosGrenade
Reboot: 40 August 7, 2023 Blog This is a blog post. It’s me vexing out in the open — something I used to do quite regularly, in various places online. It’s something I’ve fallen Sigil & Shadow: Dark Fantasy Backgrounds May 4, 2023 TTRPG & Sigil & Shadow & Echoed Invocations Another experimental draft! Modern urban fantasy and occult horror is great, but I’ve also dreamt of using Sigil & Shadow to run gothic, grim Sigil & Shadow: Randomized Characters May 4, 2023 TTRPG & Sigil & Shadow & Echoed Invocations This is a very rough draft of a variant character creation system for Sigil & Shadow. While S&S core rules are already a hybrid of player choice and Echoed Invocations, Issue 0: Clarity January 12, 2023 TTRPG & Sigil & Shadow & Echoed Invocations Find it on itch.io!! Echoed Invocations is a new series of supplemental zines for Sigil & Shadow, providing expanded rules and content for my Faction & Stature March 4, 2022 TTRPG & Sigil & Shadow & Echoed Invocations Header Art by Luis F. Sanz Sigil & Shadow strives to cover the tropes of urban fantasy and modern horror — hunting down monstrous threats, Invoking the Fanbase February 21, 2022 TTRPG & Sigil & Shadow Header Art by Luis F. Sanz First off, apologies for the delay on anything new regarding Sigil & Shadow. While I’ve been distracted trying to get my INTERMIXX — An RPG Mash-Up February 18, 2022 TTRPG & ChaosGrenade Games & Intermixx INTERMIXX is an RPG Mash-Up — a remix of cool ideas and styles to create a fun gaming experience all its own. This is a barebones, blank canvas DIY Mud & Blood: SIGIL & SHADOW Actual Play!’ November 1, 2021 TTRPG & Sigil & Shadow & Wythe I was honored to have the chance to run SIGIL & SHADOW for the Mud & Blood podcast’s Halloween Special! Just a fun note: this episode essentially Gonzo-Mutoids-Pocket October 16, 2021 TTRPG & ChaosGrenade Games FREE ON ITCH My love letter to bat-shit crazy, kitchen sink, post apocalyptic settings is now available as a tiny pocket RPG — this time powered by The Wythe Case, Part 4: A Shattered Nightmare September 25, 2021 TTRPG & Sigil & Shadow & Wythe The entity paralyzing Samantha pays no attention to Julia, continuing to attempt to suffocate her with a swarm of shadowy bugs that bleed out from Next page